Suspension of training

(Updated on 1 June 2020)

As guided by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce, the Circuit Breaker will end on 1 June 2020 and Singapore will gradually resume activities over 3 phases, with Phase 1 (“Safe Re-opening”) likely to last between 2 to 4 weeks. Sport sector organisations are to remain closed during Phase 1.

In line with SportSG guidelines, Singapore Kendo Club's trainings will be suspended until further notice.

(Updated on 21 April 2020)

In consideration of the extension of Circuit Breaker measures, Singapore Kendo Club will be suspending all trainings until 1 June 2020. This is to coincide with efforts by various organisations to minimise the risk of transmissions of COVID-19. We hope to share updates on the status by first week of June 2020.

Members are encouraged to stay home, observe good personal hygiene and be socially responsible. Let’s remain vigilant and always refer to MOH’s website for the latest advisories and updates.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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Joyce Chia