What to expect

Basic training

At the end of the first 12 sessions of basic training, participants should understand and practice proper etiquette (reiho) such as conduct in the training venue (dojo), bowing, sitting, etc. Also, participants would be able to demonstrate basic kendo techniques such as how to hold the bamboo sword (shinai), execute kendo footwork (ashisabaki) and swinging practice with the shinai.

Equipment: Participants would be required to purchase a shinai (est. from S$70 for a basic one) at the beginning of the course. After a month of basic training, participants would need to purchase a set of uniform (gi and hakama: est. S$150).

Intermediate training

At the end of the next 12 sessions of intermediate training, participants would be able to demonstrate basic kendo techniques in the full kendo armour (bogu) and basic etiquette in how to carry the bogu, how to stand and sit with bogu, how to wear the head gear etc.

Equipment: Participants will be required to purchase their own personal armour (bogu: est. from S$500 for a basic set)

Upon completion, participants will join the club as ordinary member and join practice sessions with the current members

Click here to read a beginner’s guide done by Terry Holt sensei.

Feel free to contact us at singaporekendoclub@gmail.com for any clarifications if required.