Singapore Kendo Club

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temperature Screening

With immediate effect, all members are required to go through screening protocols prior to entering all Japanese Schools. Please refer to the following:

Prior to every training, members are required to fill in an e-declaration form here. Answer all questions except section 2 “Temperature”. Submit only after our representative has checked your temperature on-site at the Japanese school guard house at these screening times:

  • Wednesdays & Thursdays: 7.00pm - 7.30pm

  • Sundays: Between 8.45am - 11.00am

Members who report after the above mentioned screening timing will NOT be allowed to train. Please STRICTLY COMPLY for the health safety of all our members.

Members who drive, upon parking your car, please report to the security guard house before going to the dojo.

Kindly refer to the following SOP:

  1. If your answer to any of these questions are “Yes”, please do not attend the training and you are not required to fill up the e-declaration form.

    • Have you visited Mainland China in the last 14 days?

    • Do you have any of these symptoms: fever (>37.5 °C), cough, breathlessness, sore throat, running nose?

    • Did you come to close contact with any of the confirmed/suspected cases of the following infectious diseases (2019 Novel Coronavirus, Avian Influenza, MERS-Cov, Ebola) in the last 14 days?

  2. If you answered “No” to the above but your temperature taken on-site is within the feverish range, (≥37.5°C), your temperature and declaration will be submitted in the form, and you will be asked to leave the premises. Seeking professional medical attention is advised.

  3. If you answered “No” to the above and your temperature taken onsite is within the safe range (<37.5°C), please show the completed declaration to the appointed SKC representative, submit the declaration and you are cleared to train.