Singapore Kendo Club

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Kendo Exchange - Kansai Student Kendo Federation

Kansai Student Kendo Federation (about 30+ students and some teachers) will be coming to Singapore for a kendo exchange program with Singapore Kendo Club. Masayuki Hamaguchi sensei (8 Dan) will be leading the 2 day event from 8-9 December 2018 at ACS Barker Road.

ACS Barker Road, Tan Chin Tuan Sports Hall, Level 3

8 Dec 2018
5.15pm - 5.25pm : Opening Speech by SKC
5.25pm - 6.30pm : (Non Bogu Class) Kihon
5.25pm - 5.35pm : (Bogu Class) Kihon
5.35pm - 5.45pm : (Bogu Class) Mawari Keiko
5.45pm - 5.55pm : (Bogu Class) Break
5.55pm - 6.30pm : (Bogu Class) Free Keiko
6.30pm - 7.00pm : Pack Up
7.00pm - 7.30pm : Bus to Dinner place
7.30pm - 9.30pm : Welcome Dinner at Ban Heng Harbourfront Centre

9 Dec 2018
9am - 9.40am : Kihon kata/keiko
9.40am - 10.30am : Kids + Adults and Non-Bogu
10.50am - 11.20am : Godou Keiko
11.45am - 1.15pm : Lunch (Participants to settle their own lunch. Please note NO consumption of food in ACS)
1.30pm - 1.40pm : Explanation of Shiai rules and regulations
1.45pm - 2.45pm : Long team Shiai
2.55pm - 4.25pm : Short team Shiai
4.45pm - 5.10pm : Godou Keiko (if time permits)
5.15pm - 5.30pm : Closing Ceremony + Prize Presentation Ceremony
6.10pm : Bus to Dinner Place
7.00pm : Sayonara Dinner at Kanpai 789

Event Fee

Registration Deadline
Closed on 30 Nov 2018, 2359