Singapore Kendo Club

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Training 23 Feb

SKC has managed to secure a venue for Sunday (23 Feb) at ACS Barker Campus. Kindly refer to the following for more information.

23 Feb 2020, Sunday

ACS Barker Campus, 60 Barker Rd, Tan Chin Tuan Hall (Level 3)

9.00am - 10.30am Beginners’ Class
10.30am - 12.00pm Senior Class

Compulsory Temperature Screening and Declaration
[updated on 20 Feb] ACS will be the ones conducting the temperature screening together with an onsite travel declaration form (you may disregard the previous declaration form) at the security guard post near the lift lobby, carpark level 1. All members/visitors are required to check in at the guard post before heading up to the hall. Your co-operation is appreciated.

Security Guard Post

Important Notice
If your answer is yes to any of following questions below, please refrain from coming to training.

  1. Have you returned from Mainland China 14 days prior to visiting ACS?

  2. Do you have any of the following symptoms: fever (>37.5°C), cough, breathlessness, sore throat, running nose, diarrhea for >3 times/day?

  3. Did you come to close contact with any of the confirmed/suspected cases of COVID-19 or anyone who has been placed on Quarantine Order / Leave of Absence in the last 14 days?