Singapore Kendo Club

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Year end grading updates

We will be grading the following grades on separate dates for 19th and 20th Dec 2020:

  • 19th Dec 2020 (Sat): Current grade: Ungraded to 6 Kyu

  • 20th Dec 2020 (Sun): Current grade: 5 Kyu to 2 Dan

We are currently finalising the timings and the details will be released tomorrow.

The Dan questions has been sent out via email.

Please read through our safe management measures for grading here.

A few points to note:

  • Ki-ai is part of the grading criteriaand will be required for grading. For this grading, excessive ki-ai would not be allowed.

  • Bokuto Ni Yoru Kendo Kihon-waza Keiko-ho kata would not be examined for this grading.

  • For applicants going for Dan grades, Nihon Kendo Kata will still be required and will be done right after the first part of the examination in bogu.

The grading syllabus can be viewed here

If you have any questions, please contact us at